Top 5 Linux OS Distributions

Main reason of increasing popularity of Linux is because there are many Linux distributions available to choose from. Every Linux distribution has its own strength which attracts user to adopt that Linux distribution. Selecting a best distro out of many  is bit difficult and for this very reason I have compiled a list of top 5 best  Linux distros

Top 5 Linux OS Distributions 

1. Ubuntu :-

Ubuntu is the best distro for the beginners ,With its easy installation and user friendly interface makes it more popular to new Linux switchers and beginners . It comes with many free bundle software which fulfills almost all requirements of users. Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you’ll ever need

2. Fedora  :- 

Fedora is known as the best distro for the experts . Fedora was introduced after Red Hat discontinued its Free Red Had distribution. Fedora is easy to install and comes with lot of free applications. Linus Torvalds, the creator and primary maintainer of Linux use Fedora which inspire many to use Fedora.

3. Open SUSE :-

While not quite as simple to install as some of the other distributions on the list, openSUSE is quite user friendly. This distribution includes YaST (Yet another Setup Tool) to make installing applications a breeze. The user interface also gets a boost from Slab, a polished Windows Vista-like start menu. openSUSE puts an emphasis on hardware support and ease of use, 

4. PCLinuxOS :-

 PCLinuxOS is the best distro for users migrating from Microsoft Windows to Linux OS. It is one of the few distributions to remarkably change the look of the KDE desktop.

5. Arch Linux :-

Arch Linux  is a lightweight Linux distribution which strives to Keep it simple It's definitely not a Linux distribution for novices, as it installs with just a bash command prompt and no GUI 

Hope this Information Helps 

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Hey what about Red Hat!!!

It is a powerful OS...

John ( Admin ) said on July 17, 2011 at 5:58 PM :


Ya i agree with you .. I will add to the list ASAP


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