How To Install Backtrack :-
First a fall you must know what is a vmware (virtual machine ) if you don’t know, i would recommend you to do a Google search on this subject
Download the virtual machine from Here
Download the latest version of Backtrack from Here. I would suggest you to
Download the iso image as it can be used for many purposes
After downloading follow the video for Hq visit Hackaholictutorials
If you have any doubts please be free to comment
thnx for this tutorial and i have a two questions for you :
REPLYif iam using back track in vm ware , would i have problems using it tools?
is it beter to use backtrack os alone in my desktop?
if your system has good memory ( 1- 2gb )you will have no problems using vmaware
i will suggest all beginners to use vmware
if your very good and comfortable in uing linux u can use backtrack alone
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