There are many ways to hack a windows password but in this this tutorial I will explain How to Hack Windows Password Without Any Software follow the simple steps to hack a windows account
How to Hack Windows Password Without Any Software
1. When you start your computer press f8 and select Safe mode as shown in the picture and press Enter
2. Once you enter the main menu you will see two accounts one is the administrator account and other is your victims account login in the administrator account
3. Now go to Start and open control panel
4. Now select User Accounts
5. Now select your victims account
6. Now select Remove The Password
7. Now Restart the computer and login the victims account without any password And do what ever you want ( you can create your own password for the account )
Note :- This hack wont work if the admin account is either blocked or password Protected ,
Update:- You can also hack windows password using stick keys
I hope you liked this post if you have any doubts please feel free to comment
does this work with any version of windows?
yes this works in all windows versions except windows 7
what happens if the victim has protected the Administrator account?
REPLYit's not a big trick, also you don't need to enter in safe mode, just press Ctrl+Alt+Sup twice at login screen, and it will show a little window where you can put the administrator account
@Lopez, Edwin
If the admin account is protected this hack wont work
this is a very basic tutorial
i will be soon writing other ways of hacking a admin account
this is and old way we use to change pass of our school computers
REPLYWhat mean by 'sup' at this command "ctrl+alt+sup"?
REPLYBy going on Safe mode and administration we need password of administration if there was password,and it's way of removing password not hacking.
REPLYAnd one thing we can Press "ctrl+alt+del" at starting of computer then Type "administration" then enter
Its also need to know password of administrartion.
ya Lopez, Edwin meant ctrl +alt + del
it would be better if comment with ur name instead anonymous . because i can address u with a name
i agree with u its just a trick but my idea was find a way to login into password protected computer without using any software !it will not work if the admin account is locked !!!!!!
i have also written may tuts on hacking windows password using softwares u can have look at them if this method wont work !!!!
it would be better if comment with ur name instead anonymous . because i can address u with a name
From Mukesh,
REPLYIt's very old trick most of people they know this idea, the thing is how can you hack admin locked account. That idea will be greatest.
@ Mukesh
i agree with u its just a trick but my idea was find a way to login into password protected computer without using any software i have also written may tuts on hacking windows password using softwares u can have look at them if this method wont work Just Search my blog :) one of the best ways is to use chntpw >> utility
Idea is good.....how can i hack any adminstrator lock account
REPLYgouttam pradhan
how to crack windows 7 administrator password
REPLYwhat in windows 7
REPLYhi i want to know the administrator password without changing or deleting it..do you have some advice.tnx
REPLYdamn!!cant nobody tell how to hack window 7??now it has been 2 months i cant play with my pc...need help:-(
REPLYforget what you read above. if u have a admin pwd u can do what you want, there is nothing to hack. if u don't, u can use erd commander.
make a cd of it and boot. be aware that you will change the admin pwd, it will not help you guessing it. so what you do will not go unnoticed. but if it's your pc u won't care
torrent search will help u. there are several version, xp to 7.
REPLYforget what you read above. if u have a admin pwd u can do what you want, there is nothing to hack. if u don't, u can use erd commander.
make a cd of it and boot. be aware that you will change the admin pwd, it will not help you guessing it. so what you do will not go unnoticed. but if it's your pc u won't care
torrent search will help u. there are several version, xp to 7.
REPLYyou can use erd commander. several version, for windows 7 too.
make a cd of it, and boot from cd. look for locksmith. be aware that u will CHANGE the administrator password to something new. so what u do will not go unnoticed, but if it's your pc at home you'll be just fine.
ya .thats the whole point my parents have put ADMIN... password and for what ever i do it says excess denied ...... i cant run or install any thing .....even with GUEST account,,,,,, when ever i do , a pop up comes in asking the administration password ..............HELP ME ....i want that password
REPLYits a good idea,but i need to get admin password.hlp me wit dt plz..
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