Hackaholic Recommends the Following Software
SniperSpy Keylogger - Best Remote Spy Software
Sniper Spy (Remote Installation Supported )
SniperSpy is the industry leading Remote password hacking software combined with the Remote Install and Remote Viewing feature.Once installed on the remote PC(s) you wish, you only need to login to your own personal SniperSpy account to view activity logs of the remote PC’s! This means that you can view logs of the remote PC’s from anywhere in the world as long as you have internet access!
Do you want to Spy on a Remote PC? Expose the truth behind the lies! Unlike the rest, SniperSpy allows you to remotely spy any PC like a television! Watch what happens on the screen LIVE! The only remote PC spy software with a SECURE control panel!
This Remote PC Spy software also saves screenshots along with text logs of chats, websites, keystrokes in any language and more. Remotely view everything your child, employee or anyone does while they use your distant PC. Includes LIVE admin and control commands!
SniperSpy Features
1. SniperSpy is remotely-deployable spy software
3. Logs All Keystrokes
4. Records any Password (Email, Login, Instant Messenger etc.)
5. Remote Monitor Entire IM Conversations so that you can spy on IM activities too
6. Captures a full-size jpg picture of the active window however often you wish
7. Real Time Screen Viewer
8. Remotely reboot or shutdown the PC or choose to logoff the current Windows user
9. Completely Bypasses any Firewall
No physical access to your remote PC is needed to install the spy software. Once installed you can view the screen LIVE and browse the file system from anywhere anytime. You can also view chats, websites, keystrokes in any language and more, with screenshots.
This software remotely installs to your computer through email. Unlike the other remote spy titles on the market, SniperSpy is fully and completely compatible with any firewall including Windows XP, Windows Vista and add-on firewalls.
The program then records user activities and sends the data to your online account. You login to your account SECURELY to view logs using your own password-protected login. You can access the LIVE control panel within your secure online account.
Why Do I need This Software?
- For Partners: Do you Suspect that your Spouse is cheating on you AND you do not have hard evidence to prove it? Consider Installing SniperSpy, it not only gives you the Complete activity of your Spouse but also provides enough Screen shots and Chat history that can serve as the clear evidence against your Cheating Spouse
- For Parents: Does your child spends most of their time before their computers? If your children spend time chatting or playing computer games, they can be approached by the strangers. In other words they are exposed to potentially Dangerous things like PORN, Gambling, Dating Strangers, etc. In this Case SniperSpy is the best solution to Monitor and control the Online Activity of your child.
- For Employers: Do all your employees use their computer resources and Internet connection solely for your business? Do they work as hard as you? OR Do you suspect your employee’s productivity is lacking? You should consider installing This Remote Software that can serve as the best Employee Monitoring Software for Small business.
- For Hackers: Are you looking for any easy way to hack into someones facebook or Myspace accounts ? or wanna control someones facebook account? SniperSpy can expose you all the Keystrokes entered by your victim including Usernames and Passwords for any websites.
Download SniperSpy
So what are you waiting for! Grab a copy of Snipersspy and start Monitoring your friends .For download details kindly visit the following link
If You have any doubts Regarding the installation, Please feel free to post a comment
Once bought, can you install the real (not the remote) software on different computer systems?
REPLY@ Barry
After ordering SniperSpy you will instantly receive an email containing your registration code and a link to download the module creator. You will first need to create your username and password by registering. After you register you will be able to utilize the module creator program to setup your module.
Run the module creator link from the order email and follow the screens. After the module is created you will deploy the software either remotely or locally. After the software is deployed you will login to your control panel to view results.
is there a cracked version of sniperspy available???
REPLYi bought win spy 10 lincense but ,now i knew that this is the best
REPLYso is there possibility of getting any crack of it
plz answer bro
bez in web ,there are many,and they can be virus or spying virus too
thanks a lot
what are the possible ways of installing this software remotely on a victim's computer?? does one send an email which contains this software frm any email like yahoo, hotmail or rediffmail etc to a victim's computer which is in another country n it installs it on their computer?? pls explain this one in detail as i want to instal this software on someone's computer who lives in the United Kingdom, while i live in India myself..(its for matrimony purpose).
REPLYBro is there any cracked version of it ????
No >>> there's no cracked version of sniper spy, if you see one on the net i am sure it should be an infected one to key log You. So Please don't download cracked versions >> be safe
Does this record webcam chats too?
REPLYDoes not matter how privately and employees chat with his personals.. it detect very fast. SniperSpy Keylogger is extremely effective than others.
REPLY@john, I went to have my computer fixed and the guy doing it said he knew how to perform hacks where he hid keyloggers and pictures and whatnot. Of course when I seemed interested to learn he didn't offer to show me or tell me where he had learned. Why is this do you think? I mean really, where can a hacker LEARN to hack. Also I am very interested to know how sniperspy gets around the antivirus programs and firewalls when it seems like a lot of these things can detect ANYTHING that isn't homemade and I don't know how to make a homemade anything on the pc lol. Also how can I find a reliable crack site? I am so afraid of getting a virus. Basically all I want is free software and the keylogger is for my husbands pesky exwife who keeps trying to con him out of money because she refuses to work.She's even made false allegations of abuse against him. I don't want to get ahold of her banking info or anything, we just want to stay one step ahead of her.
REPLYWhat would the best way to make our partner download the exe file. With this program, would we need to crypt the .exe into another file? Say, we crypt the .exe into a .mp4 or .jpg, would that work?
REPLYDoes the person whom the software being sent to have to open the email for it to download?
REPLYi am new about this things,so i have some questions, 1) Can i pay for western union? , 2) what does it means 3 months license? (i wouldnt can use the program after 3 months) , 3) what happen if the server is detected for antivirus,you give me always a new server? or i should encrypter the server for my own? 4) have languague options? i would like spanish because im not form u.s.
REPLYHey admin could you crack this amazing thing? :)
REPLYCan this be used to monitor activity on a say maybe a tablet.
REPLYcan i get it freee?
REPLY@Chris Greene
If the tab runs windows Yes, But i suggest you to have a look at Mspy for spying smartphones
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